Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Used 'Carbide Create' to make a simple 'schematic' for machining a PCB for a G3UUH style Crystal Oscillator/Crystal Checker.

The end result is quite pleasing (click the images to go supersized)

Seems to be working OK

Watch the machining process

Direct link to YouTube

Sunday, 21 November 2021

CNC machining 'pads' on a CNC3018

I needed a circuit board for a TVI filter to stop 2 metre interference, like this (I'm going for the 144 and 432 MHz layout)

I used 'Carbide Create' to 'draw' what I required
(Click the images to go supersized)

Then, added Toolpaths to machine outside of the darawing/pads

Set the cutter, depth, speeds/feedrate etc and save the GCode.
Load the gerber into 'Candle' and probe the PCB for a heightmap.
Set it off with a 1mm end mill and the board was done cutting in 45 seconds!

Quite please with the result - hope it works when finished assembling!

Fully assembled and tested, over 83db of attenuation at 145MHz and 45db at 433MHz